What Am I Excited For?

There are a lot of things that I honestly cannot wait for right now. I've been fairly content during the first two months of my living in Boston, but all of a sudden there are things that I want more than I can explain. Firstly, I want fall back.


Over the past two or three weeks I've begun hearing people around me saying things like "It's about to get real cold around here!", and I hate the cold. But despite all of these words of warning, it's been fairly nice out! Yesterday it rained, but hey, it was pretty warm! Today that all changed. Today, at least from my perspective, was cold. very cold. Now mind you, as I said earlier, I HATE the cold. The cold made me want nothing more than to go back to the beginning of the fall here in Massachusetts. I miss being able to go for long walks where I didn't come back feeling like an ice cube. I guess I'll have to just make sure I'm extra thankful next year when it's still warm in the early fall...

This is one of my favorite photos from a long walk to Harvard Square
early this fall. 


This one is obvious to any college student, Christmas break. This year I have an entire month off to be back home in Pennsylvania. I am super excited for Christmas right now for a few reasons.. Firstly, I love being home! As much as I love Boston it is incredibly nice to be home, back where I grew up and I know like everyone (not literally). Second, and most obvious, I have off from school for an entire month! Lastly, Christmas is one of my favorite times of year, there's such an awesome feeling you get the week before christmas where it just kind of seems like everyone is getting along... actually maybe not... I do fully realize that for many people tensions run high around holidays, but for me ... It's just fun! 

I am a self proclaimed christmas cookie artist.


I'm super excited for this coming Tuesday. Which is by far the most short term on this list, but there's a good reason why. My wonderful girlfriend Betsy will be visiting and when I get home from class on Tuesday she'll be waiting. I love her! She's incredible. She's one of the best graphic designers I know, and definitely the best photographer I know. She's been fantastic during this whole long distance part of our relationship over the past few months, especially considering the fact that we spent pretty much every waking moment together when I was back home. I cannot wait to see her even if it's only for a few days! 
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention she's brilliant and already
has her masters degree in education!
That's it! I'm a simple guy who wants simple things, like the ability to travel through time... But really that's all that I want in my life right now... Time needs to move a little quicker.

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