
It feels like I've done this a million times. I've had close to 7 different websites that I created with the intention of posting on and I always fail. ... Come to think of it, the last 6 have started this same way ...

Why am I blogging:

It's incredibly selfish ... I am blogging for myself... I don't really care if anyone else ever even finds this. I'm not trying to attract traffic or page views or anything. I just want to be able to look back at who I was a year ago, or maybe two, three, four years ago and see myself change over the years. I love that idea and I think it's so cool to be able to do that with a website that I can change and expand on constantly and reflect more of myself. 
Another reason I'm starting to blog is because I LOVE to write and I never really get a chance to. I totally realize that the last sentence doesn't make a ton of sense, because I'm a college student and I'm constantly writing music and reports and papers and blah blah blah, but this is something completely different. Here I can write whatever I want and be creative. I can even blow off steam, which is something that, on occasion, I really need. 
Finally, I live in my favorite city in the US. Before moving to Boston, I had only been here once or twice and only for a day or two, so it was kind of a shock to move here with little info of the area. In my first two months living here it's been rather exciting, and I've fallen in love with this town. Just about 10 days ago the Red Sox won the World Series, and I am lucky enough to live about a block away from Fenway Park. That being said, I am a Yankees fan, so it was kinda bittersweet. But anyway the purpose for this blog is for me to post whatever I want, whenever I want, while living in the coolest city I could ever want to live in. 

So, If you are not me, and you are here, I'm sorry. This is not really meant for you, but I won't really be offended if you read it, I mean it is the internet after all. Also, I probably will write as if I am writing or talking to an audience but that is mainly because that is how I always write! 

This should be interesting. 

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